Paul Dini and Bruce Timm’s Batman: The Animated Series is an absolute animated classic that we’ve been obsessed with since it premiered way back in 1992. So, we’re grappling hook-ing our way back into Gotham with Tom Whalen this Wednesday!
Tom’s take on the Dark Knight’s most successful and well-rounded cartoon incarnation features everything we loved about the series: sleek and memorable character designs for Batman’s entire rogues gallery; the art deco Gotham cityscape; and blimps!
In addition, we’ll also be selling Matthew Peak’s Nightmare on Elm Street APs. There’s a very limited amount of these, and we think they’d make the perfect stocking stuffer!
Tom’s print, alongside a variant, and Matthew’s APs will be available for purchase Wednesday (12/13) @ 12PM ET on our homepage,!
Batman: The Animated Series by Tom Whalen
6 color screen print
12 x 36 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 225
Batman: The Animated Series Variant by Tom Whalen
6 color screen print with metallic inks
12 x 36 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 100
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors AP by Matthew Peak
19 color screen print with varnish layer
24 x 36 inches
Signed and hand-numbered AP edition of 50
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors Variant by Matthew Peak
17 color screen print with varnish layer
24 x 36 inches
Signed and hand-numbered AP edition of 30