Coming off our last Sketch Booth session with Michelle Hiraishi, we are excited announce that our 6th artist to participate in one of our sessions will be Mark Chilcott!

Mark has been showcasing his work at the gallery for almost 3 years and recently has been doing an amazing job on his sold out Webster Fox series. We couldn't be more proud of him.
Tomorrow at 12pm eastern we will be offering 75 commission slots. Each commission will be 8.3 x 11.5 inches, black and white and will cost $65 each.
After the purchase is made, we will send links to all buyers to make their request. If there is an issue with a request, we will email you and figure out other options. You will be able to do scenery as well.
All commissions can take 6-8 weeks to finish. We aim to get them out sooner then that.
-The Bottleneck Team