BATMAN & SUPERMAN / THE THING by Matt Ferguson On Sale NOW!

New York Comic Con is in full swing, and we're super happy to be able to meet so many of our fans and customers in person. But we also want to make sure that our fans who couldn't make it to the event get in on some of the fun, so we're excited to release Matt Ferguson's newest super set alongside a fantastically terrific movie print online today: Batman & Superman and The Thing!

Matt's officially licensed Batman & Superman set will be a timed edition through Saturday, October 7th @ 12PM ET to ensure that it flies into the hands of anybody who wants one, and we'll have a small allocation of his The Thing prints, which is an officially licensed co-release with our friends over at Vice Press!

Matt's Batman & Superman set, a small online allocation of the variant edition, and the The Thing print are on sale now on our homepage

Batman & Superman Two Print Set - Timed Edition by Matt Ferguson
SET of two screen prints
18 x 24 inches (each)
Edition size will be determined by the number of prints sold through Saturday, October 7th @ 12PM ET

Batman & Superman Two Print Variant Set by Matt Ferguson
Set of two screen prints
18 x 24 inches (each)
Matching hand-numbered editions of 75

The Thing by Matt Ferguson
Screen print
24 x 36 inches
Hand-numbered editions of 275
Co-release with Vice Press
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