This Friday, prepare for The Marvel Art of Julian Totino Tedesco! Julian is one of our favorite working comics artists, and we’re proud to present a fully online gallery show of carefully curated Marvel art from Julian’s impressive body of work.

For this show, we worked with Julian to offer a Marvel-ous smattering of pieces that offer the best glimpse at Julian’s current artistic stylings and the language his art works within. Taking inspiration from Norman Rockwell-esque exaggerated realism and mixing it with the ultimate creative playground, comics, Julian’s work is impressive and fun. From Spider-Man to Daredevil to Captain Marvel, Julian’s paintings swing, leap, and fly off the page.

Here are some words from Julian himself on a few of the pieces in the show:

On Captain Marvel #2:
In "The Life of Captain Marvel" I worked with editors Sana Amanat and Sarah Brunstad who helped me with the concepts for each cover by coming up with ideas or refining mine.
This one is probably my favorite from the five covers we did. The idea of a kid aspiring to be a superhero is something I can relate to (don't we all?) and I play around that concept every once in a while.
Drawn in pencils and painted in Photoshop.

On Spider-Men 2 (#1 Variant Edition):
I've always liked this cover mostly because of its simplicity. It doesn't have a lot of technical work, but the overall design is nicely composed and works just fine. I wish I could achieve this simplicity more often. There's a little of Coles Phillips there, of course.
Drawn in pencils and painted in Photoshop.

Spider Cvr (Peter Parker):
I'd say that for every ten covers I do; I end up liking only one. This is one of them.
I posed as a reference for the two kids, so that's my clothes they're wearing and those are my bony, skinny hands.
Drawn in pencils and painted in Photoshop.

On Spider-Man #61:
This is another one of my favorites. It has a Rockwell vibe (I like Norman Rockwell, big surprise). The editor for this cover was Nick Lowe and he gave me total freedom, so I managed to work on an idea that would allow me to draw what I enjoy the most, namely: ordinary people.
The address from the street signs in the background marks the corner where the Marvel offices are, in New York (at least according to Google Maps).
Drawn in pencils and painted in Photoshop.

On Web Warriors #6:
I really enjoy whenever I get to add a touch of comedy to a cover and, honestly, it's really hard to come up all serious with a pig dressed as Spider-Man. In the initial idea I pitched for this cover, Spider-Ham, in shock and disbelief, would catch the Warriors around the cart and they would already be eating the hot dogs. The balloon would read something like "Guys? Is that PORK?". Devin Lewis, the editor of the book thought it might be too dark and suggested twisting the idea to what we ended up doing, which I think worked well.
This one was made 100% in Photoshop.

Spider-Geddon #0:
This cover was very enjoyable for me to do. Spider-Gwen and Spider-Noir are two characters that I always loved to draw.
I rendered this one a little differently than what I generally do. The brushwork is a bit looser than usual and was done 100% in Photoshop.

All of the pieces in this showcase will be available on Friday (7/16) @ 12PM ET on our homepage,!

We know that there will be quite a bit of art available, so if you go back and place a second or third order, we will combine and refund shipping costs! If you don’t see a refund within 24hrs, just shoot us an email.

The artwork is released in conjunction with Acme Archives, the official Marvel licensee.


Avengers #3
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 105

Captain Marvel #1
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 75

Captain Marvel #2
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 75

Daredevil #15
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 95

Daredevil #2
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 120

Daredevil #6
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 95

Hawkeye #1
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 70

Hawkeye #8
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 50

Hulk: Season One
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 45

16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 105

Spider Cvr
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 100

Spider-Geddon #0
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 125

Spider-Man #61
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 125

Spider-Man: Season One 
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 100

Spider-Men 2
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 100

Thunderbolts #20
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 70

Web Warriors #1
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 125

Web Warriors #6
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 105

Web Warriors #8
16 x 24 inches
Hand-numbered edition of 75


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